For Parents & Carers
Please click the following links for information on these subjects:
- School Day and Term Dates
- School Uniform and School Meals
- How will my child get to school, and how do I apply for transport?
- Class sizes, and staffing ratios
- National Curriculum, and the range of sports offered
- What does "Therapeutic school" mean, what therapies does the school provide, and how do we allocate therapy?
- Mobile phones in school?
- Will my child be physically restrained?
- Will I get asked to collect my child early, in the event of challenging behaviour?
- Will my child be excluded for bad behaviour?
- How will my child be kept safe during school trips?
- Will my child learn bad behaviour at the school?
- Daily contact with your child's staff team
"I've never worked in a place that is so supportive and understanding."
(Teaching Assistant, Nov 2023)